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Monday, September 1, 2008

business trip to KL 3days

yayaya is me again....sorry for keeping you all waiting....all of you must be unpatient and curious why otaku so long not updating the blog....sry sry....i appologize at here cause i have a business trip to KL....yesh.....u not read wrong.....i m gonna starting my business trip don't have so much time to here is some picture while i take at KL.....

accident at puchong taman tasik prima area........a motorcycle rider bang by a car at the connering.....two riders not wearing helmet while riding

. ..lucky i have buy jor today
aduh sakitnya kaki saya..
the other rider is bleeding and have been carry to a side

that all fo the accident news

scroll down more for more news.....








meet this leng lui at saturday nite at time square.....before leaving taking her picture in my cars....xD........christine hoo....KL nice having dinner wth her...

scroll down for more news...































gunpla fever....tadah......i brought you all my product.....the alu booster and beam saber...from now on is available at here.....for those modeling shop who is interesting on the price can contact me....i m supply to any state and country.....shipment will be is my contact acc is

6set of alu booster and a 2 way beam saber for seed and seed destiny series gundam

scroll down for more news.......























and here is some pictures for the next project to supply

so all gunpla fever....give me sometime for processing this detailing booster....once i have finish it....i will upload the pictures at here........that all for my product today....let continue what i have been doing y'day
i drive all the way to MELAKA meet this girls

you all see????wanna meet her or not.....okay i know wht you guys want to know.....she juz only 24....MELAKA.....LEE she is mine wan....ady not available ady...xD....that all for today......